Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Community Organization 2

Gandhi has not given a literary definition of the term community. For him the village is the basic community with geographical limitation where a number of families come together and co-operate to build a common life. According to Gandhi the basic element of a community is mutual co-operation and common sharing.
The emphasis of Gandhian concept of community organization is the reconstruction of the community rather than on organizing of an unorganized or disorganized community or on the development of entirely a new community. Therefore the Gandhian objective of community organization is to reconstruct the village communities spread all over the country. This construction is based on the 19 item constructive program designed to meet the social welfare needs of the community. It is through the construction of the village community Gandhi aims to realize he goal of reconstructing the "sarvodaya Social order". Gandhi has not given any specific or fixed pattern for the reconstruction program but left it to the capacity of those community organizers and to suit to the different conditions and social situations.
The role of the worker in this approach is very distinct. Here, the worker not only deals with those groups of people or communities who seek his guidance but he also would approach those communities, which do not ask for help as his prime work being the reconstruction of the society. In this approach the worker takes initiatives and gradually stimulates the community .It demands the regularity and sincerity of the worker in the reconstruction program.
Gandhian Model of Social Action:
• Development should be holistic {economical, intellectual, emotional & spiritual} & Non - exploitative, i.e. sustainable
• Possible only in “Self sufficient Village Republics”: Gram-swaraj & Swadeshi
(Give details on sarvodaya movement, Gandhiji’s non co operation movement)

Truth or 'Satya' was the sovereign principle of Mahatma Gandhi's life. The Mahatma's life was an eternal conquest to discover truth and his journey to that end was marked by experiments on himself and learning from his own mistakes. Fittingly his autobiography was titled 'My Experiments with Truth.' Gandhi strictly maintained that the concept of truth is above and beyond of all other considerations and one must unfailingly embrace truth throughout one's life.

Gandhiji pioneered the term Satyagraha which literally translates to 'an endeavor for truth.' In the context of Indian freedom movement, Satyagraha meant the resistance to the British oppression through mass civil obedience. The tenets of Truth or Satya and nonviolence were pivotal to the Satyagraha movement and Gandhi ensured that the millions of Indians seeking an end to British rule adhered to these basic principles steadfastly.

The principle of nonviolence or Ahimsa has been integral to many Indian religions and Mahatma Gandhi espoused for total nonviolence in the Indian freedom struggle. He was determined to purge the Satyagraha movement of any violent elements and incidents of violence by Satyagrahis in Chauri Chaura, Uttar Pradesh led him to call off the civil disobedience movement. Gandhi's adoption of vegetarianism is often regarded a manifestation of his faith in the principles of nonviolence.

It is a medium through which a person looks at the complex realities. Model is a simplistic version of a complex situation. Models serve as a reference for the work and give us a clear understanding of what would happen. They describe strategies for accomplishing a vision, the appropriate steps to be taken to get there. Some models grow out of the specific ideologies of change and some in response to concrete situations.
The History has witnessed diversity of efforts in the community organization and the emergence of new initiatives in the field. Most often these of community organizing efforts are centered on identity communities and issue-specific communities. History gives us a list of different kind of community organizing methods. One such community organizing which the twentieth century has witnessed is the growth of neighborhood organizing.
Neighborhood organizing:
Neighborhood organizing is one form of community organizing. This nothing but an effort by the community to solve the day to day problems and help those in need.
There are three type approaches to neighborhood organizing.
The social work Approach
Political Activists Approach
Neighborhood maintenance/Community development Approach
1. The social work Approach:
In this approach, the society is viewed as a social organism and therefore the efforts are oriented towards building a sense of community. The community organizer whose role is of an "enabler or an advocate” helps the community identify a problem in the neighborhood and strives to achieve the needed social resources by gathering the existing the social services and by lobbying with some in power to meet the needs of the neighborhood. This method is more consensual and the neighborhood is seen as a collective client. One example of this approach is the social settlement movement USA and war on poverty program of the Johnson administration in the 1960s.

2. The political Activists Approach:
Saul Alinsky, the Godfather of community organizing is the founder of this approach .He emerged as a community organizer in the 1930s.The basic philosophy of this approach is based on his thinking that " more representative the organization the stronger the organization."
In this approach the community is seen as a political entity and not as a social organism. Here, the neighborhood is viewed as a potential power base capable of getting power. The role of the community organizer is to help the community understand the problem in terms of power and necessary steps are taken to mobilize the community. The problem of the neighborhood is always identified as absence of power and in the interest of gaining power for the neighborhood the organizers are faced with conflicts with groups, interests and elites. Since most of the community organizers come from out side the community, it has faced the problems of equality of power relations and leadership in the community.
Unlike the social work approach to community organization this approach has the potential to create stable, democratic and effective organizations of neighborhood residents by seeing its role as “meeting power with power"
3. Neighborhood maintenance/Community development Approach:
This approach has emerged out of both the previous approaches namely within the same neighborhood movements. It is seen in the form of civic associations. This association uses peer group pressure to provide services in the community. They use this strategy to pressurize the officials to deliver services to the community but sometimes this approach takes the form of political activists approach as they realize that their goals can be only achieved only through confrontations.
In this approach we see the characteristics of de-emphasis on dissent and confrontation and these organizations view themselves as more proactive and development minded.
Community Organization a Macro Method of practice in social work.
Community organization is considered as a Macro method of practice in social work. [Arthur E. Fink] It is used for solving community problems. The term Macro is used because of its ability to involve a large number of people in solving the social problems. Community organization is a macro method because; community organization can be successfully implemented at local level of community, or at state level of community, or at regional level of the community or at very large international level of community. For example, community organization is possible for pollution control at local, state, regional national and inter national levels. It is a macro method because; casework deals with only one person, group work deals with limited number of participants. But community organization deals with number of people and so it is called as macro method. For example, Poverty cannot be solved by using individual approach like casework as there are many people affected by poverty. Individual approach is not practical due to the magnitude of the problem. We have to use a method, which can help a large number of people. While comparing other methods of social work community organization as macro method is useful for solving social problems like poverty.
Community Organization as a Problem solving method.
In community Organization method the community is the client. Community organization solves the Community Problems and fulfills the needs of the community. Many of the community problems like social injustice, poverty, inadequate housing, poor nutrition, lack of health, lack of medical services, unemployment, pollution, exploitation, bonded labor system, illicit arrack, dowry, female infanticide, women and children trafficking, drug trafficking etc. can be solved by using community organization method. In problem solving generally we use three basic aspects. They are study, diagnosis, and treatment. The problem has to be studied. For this we have to collect information regarding the problem. From the information collected we have to find out the causes. This is called as diagnosis. Based on the findings or diagnosis a solution is evolved that is called as treatment. We consider this model as medical model because doctors study the patient find out the causes for illness and based on findings, treatment or medicine is provided. Similar model is used in community organization method. Problems are solved with involvement of people. The resources are mobilized to solve the problems. This method is applicable for Indian situations because in India a large number of people are affected by poverty or other poverty related problems. They need solutions. For this community organization as a problem solving method can solve community problems. For example people in the dry area suffer due to lack of water for their cultivation. With the help of the community organizer and people’s participation watersheds can be made and ground water level is increased. Water stored during rainy season can help the people to continue cultivation. Here the whole village problem is related with water for irrigation and drinking purpose, which is solved by using community organization method.
Community Organization method is used for the following:
a. To meet the needs and bring about and maintain adjustment between needs and resources in a community.
b. Helping people effectively with their problems and objectives by helping them to develop, strengthen, and maintain qualities of participation, self-direction and cooperation.
c. Bringing about changes in community and group relationships and in the distribution of decision-making power.
Concept of power
Power means an ability to influence, in community organization. That is influencing community members to act up on as directed by the leaders to achieve the community goals. The community power aspects can be studied. This is called as power structure of the community. The power structure of the community varies according to the community.
The Dimensions of Power
According to social workers, power is the ability to influence the beliefs and behavior of others according to wish or plan. In other words, power is the ability to make things happen. Floyd hunter explained the nature of power and power structure. Power appears in numerous forms and in a variety of combinations. Power flows from many sources. The money, votes, laws, information, expertise, prestige, group support, contacts, charisma, communication channels, media, social role, access to rewards, position, titles, ideas, verbal skill, ability to gratify important needs, monopoly of essential resources, alliances, energy, conviction, courage, interpersonal skills, moral convictions, etc. are some of the sources of power. The accumulation of power in a specific area is called as a power center. Power is also distributed. It is not confined within the power center. It is present at every level of the society. The powerless people do have power. They have to discover their power. Power may be ascribed by formal delegation or by title. Power may be achieved by many ways. For example, through competence, ability, or by personality etc. power can be achieved. Generally groups of people are at the top of the community. They are called as power centers at the top of the power pyramid. They influence the community through formal and informal connections. They influence through sub-ordinate leaders who do not participate in community decision-making process. The rich people are mostly powerful. In some communities multiplicity of power structure is noticed. Power structure is also flexible in nature. The community Organizer has to study the following ‘How do some people influence the action of others? Who wields the power? How? What are the issues? What are the results? These aspects are to be analyzed by the organizer for effective practice of community organization. This is called as community power structure analysis. It is called as power because some people are capable of action in spite of the resistance of others who are participating in the action. Some people are powerful because they knew each other personally and they interact frequently making them involve in joint efforts in community affairs. People with power, make major community decision where as others are active in implementing such decisions. An organizer who is able to study the power structure well can practice community organization effectively. For example, the village traditional leader is a powerful person. The leader can influence other people to act. Many times this leader is motivated to involve in achieving the goals of the community. The leader is capable of influencing people effectively. When there is opposition from a few men, it can be tackled by the leader because the leader has power.
In the community power is distributed. Each power center tries to expand its influence over the distribution of resources and rewards. The various power centers enter into an alliance. They share power, enter into a contract and discharge obligations. Power does not come to the passive, timid, defeated, persons. Energetic, courageous, persons wield it. The people with power tend to join together based on issues. The basis for alliance is ideological, personality similarities, needs, or to achieve the goals. Power possessed is always used. It can be used for achieving the goals. The power can be intellectual, political, social, and psychological power. To retain power there is a need for self-awareness and self control. The decision-making is the source and out come of the power. Some times there is a possibility of many number of power centers. Each power center may be autonomous. The organizer needs knowledge, and ability to mobilize the power in the community for achieving the goals of the community.
There are techniques for mobilization of power.
a. Appealing to the persons with power, who are related with achieving the goal
b. Relating the power centers directly to the goal
c. Developing interdependence among power centers for fulfilling the goals.
d. Formation of new groups by including members of power centers to achieve the goals.
e. Encouraging members of power centers to join with other members of power centers to achieve the goal
f. By using group work methods, new larger power centers can be strengthened to achieve the goals.
Saul Alinsky and Richard Cloward used the changing of power centers. [1960]. The power center change is achieved by institutional changes. Saul Alinsky gave importance for grass-root approach. In grass-root approach lower level people should get deciding power. Power and authority are connected. Authority is the legitimatization of power. These details are used in community organization to achieve people’s participation and successful achievement of the goal.
The Relevance of power in Community Organization.
Development is influenced by power structures of the community. People who are influential can mobilize a major segment of the community. For example; in fund raising drive some people can move behind other people and institutions. There are two models of community power structure. The stratification model and the pluralist mode are the two models of power structures. Stratification model suggests that social class principally determines the distribution of community power. According to this model the power structure in community is composed of stable upper class elite whose interest and out look on community affairs are relatively homogeneous. According to pluralist model, it rejects the idea that a small homogeneous group dominates community decision-making. But there are numerous small special interest groups that cut across class lines, which are represented in the community decision-making. These are interest groups with overlapping memberships, widely differing power bases, have influences on decisions. Community decisions are the result of the interactions of these different interest groups. This theoretical orientation can help the community organizer in his action. The organizer has to identify the members of the power structure for community organization. Floyd Hunter an executive director of a community welfare council wrote classic volumes on community power structure. His method of locating community elites is known as the reputation approach. The basic procedure is to ask a group of informants who are knowledgeable about the community to list the people they believe to be most influential in the community affairs. There may be variations on this procedure with regard to how informants are selected, and how questions are put in. By tallying those people most frequently named as influential leaders we can identify the core of the community power structure. Position approach is another method of locating the members of the power structure based on the assumption of stratification model. This approach assumes that people holding the highest office in the community are at the top of the power structure. By scanning the executive lists of the important social political and economic organizations in the community, one can quickly compile a list of members of the power structure. This approach requires fewer efforts than the reputation approach. Community power is directly related with Community Organization. Participation of people is related with power. In Community Organization community power holders are involved to induce people’s participation in order to achieve the organizations objectives. Some times if the existing power centers are not for Community Organizational objectives, then a new center of power is created to get people’s commitment and mass participation. The organizer needs to study power structure and Community Organization process is carried out successfully through leaders. For example, people are organized to implement family planning. For this the leader is motivated for people’s participation. In some villages the leader opposes family planning. In this situation the community organizer has to identify a new powerful leader to implement family planning. Other wise it is not possible to implement family planning in the village.

Authorities are those persons, who have power to give order and make other to obey. They are various segments of the government and non-government officials, responsible for policy and plan formulation, implementation, maintenance of law and order (with peace and harmony) and provide justice to its people.
In other words, authorities have to ensure conducive environment for holistic and sustainable development of people, right from the small village level to the Nation as a whole. But it could not happen so, due to ‘ego-centric’ style of functioning of the authorities, instead of ‘people-centric’ style. As a result of it, the majority of people are in a pitiable situation. For improving their conditions and providing their dues to them, the following strategies can be practiced to deal with authorities as and when required;

(i) Submission of petition
(ii) Persuasion
(iii) Bargaining
(iv) Negotiation
(v) Lobbying and Advocacy
(vi) Confliction / Confrontational strategies
Submission of Petition: Submission of petition is a formal written application (which contains mainly in very brief the issues and problems, their nature and extent of peoples’ suffering) signed by affected and/or interested persons and appealing the concern authority to solve the problem on sustainable ground. This petition is submitted to related officials.
Persuasion: After submission of petition to concern authority when no response is received from him / her then persuasion strategy is used. In persuasion efforts are made to influence the individual to change their outlook by providing them needed information. This also involves the adoption of set of actions / procedures to bring about change by arguing, giving reasoning, urging and inducing others to accept a viewpoint and resolve the issues / problems.
Bargaining: Bargaining is a process of discussion and negotiation between two parties, one or both of which is a group of persons acting in concert. The resulting bargain is an under takings as to terms and conditions under a continuing service is to be performed. Negotiation: In negotiation communication linkage is established between two or more than two groups having disagreement on a particular issue / problem. The communications linkages are established so that the concerned groups are able to icon-out their difficulties, understand each others point of view. And come out that mutually acceptable decision. The community organizer may act as negotiator if it is acceptable to all the concerned parties. Besides it, he facilitates such development so that the rival groups can come on the same platform to workout their differences.
Lobbying and Advocacy: Lobbying is a technique of influencing the legislation and creating legislative opinion favorable to the group or interest on behalf of which the lobby operates. Instead of attempting to influence legislation directly, the lobbyist may use the technique of pressure group lobbing. Wherein the pressure group seek to create an appearance of broad public support for its aims. This appearance may be genuine or artificial. Anyhow the aim is to influence the legislative policy.
Advocacy involves ‘pleading and fighting for the service of the clients, whom the service system otherwise rejects. It requires seeking different interpretations or exceptions to rules and regulations, to clients’ rights to services and undertaking aware above the blockages to clients in receiving or using an agency’s services. In advocacy, the worker speaks on behalf of client. Before engaging in advocacy a worker must first be sure that the client(s) desire(s) the worker to intervene in this manner. The client should clearly understand the risks involved and be motivated to use the service(s) if it is obtained. Secondly, the worker must carefully assess the risks involved for the client if advocacy is used.
Conflictual / Confrontational Strategies: The basic hypothesis, on which the conflictual and confrontational strategy is practised, is that those who are in favour of status quo and those who are in favour of change, fight with each other. Hence, the dynamics of conflict is inevitable in the process of community organization and action initiative. This may invite agitational techniques like protest, demonstration and civil disobedience or direct action etc.
However, it must be remembered that it is easier to mobilize people through protests and demonstration than civil disobedience or direct action etc.


When people are dissatisfied with social institutions that frustrate them and their needs as well. As a consequence, they have desire to change that social institutions because they are not able to solve their social problem. This situation creates social tension, unrest and instability among them and leads to social movement. Thus social movements could be looked upon as collective efforts to change the society. Generally these are started by those, who are shocked by social injustices. Social Movement can be seen in shape of protests, demonstrations marches, rioting and rebellion etc.

Protest is verbal, written and / or legal expression of dissent, disagreement or disapproval of any imposition of official policy / curtailment of facility/ increasement of tax or any other unwarranted condition by the government/ organization / association or group of people or by the existing system.
It is an effort to block the proposed change or to uproot a change already achieved. It is observed that in protest victimization is the cause and victims are the potential protesters.
The following are some common features of protest:
1. Protest is primarily an expression of feelings.
2. This expression may be verbal in writing or through legal way.
3. The main purpose of protest is to oppose or to disapprove the action initiated by the government, institution or existing social system.
4. The reason of protest is victimization of people in general or some section of the people.
5. Victims actively participate in the protest as ‘potential protesters’.
6. Protest remains sectional rather than general.
7. Community as a whole is not mobilized around social cause(s).

Demonstration is a method of expression of peoples’ sentiments / emotions and feelings readily in favour / support of or in against the government / public organizations / institutions or associations. In demonstration the individuals gather together to give expression or to manifest their demands or sentiments. The members of demonstrative group are interested more in voicing their grievance, than in destruction, by organizing meetings, rally or public marches.
The demonstrative crowd may turn into an aggressive / protestive crowd if any effort is made to disperse it by violence means. It enables the group to understand better the cause of a problem and also results in an action.
A good demonstration:
• should be based on problem(s)/situation(s) which is important and true to the real life of the audience.
• is in which it should be decided first, what is to be exactly conveyed to the audience.
• makes the message easier to understand and accept.
• facilitates clarifications and discussion among people.
• generates sympathetic and favourable environment.
• includes the preparation of exhibits (like Posters, Charts, Placards and Banmers etc.) that are required for the same.
• is in which locally available cheap and best materials are effectively and impressively used to reduce the unnecessary expenses and generates peoples’ appreciation.

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